
AmeriCorps logo

Bringing Out the Best of America

Volunteers with AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors serve directly with nonprofit organizations to tackle our nation’s most pressing challenges. Every year, AmeriCorps enroll more than 200,000 individuals to serve organizations making a difference in communities across America.

Salem City Housing Initiative

What We Do

Two men sitting side by side going over paperwork

Financial Literacy

AmeriCorps members will provide education and practical exercises. These workshops will help attendees improve their credit by offering tips on budgeting, saving, disputing credit lenders, and much more.
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Two men sitting side by side going over paperwork

Safe Housing

We have created and maintain a database of blocks and lots within the City. This allows for landlord accountability and enhances code enforcement.

Two men sitting side by side going over paperwork

Loan Packeting

The process of buying a home can be daunting! We help you through the process by assisting with home mortgage applications.

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Two men sitting side by side going over paperwork

Find Repair Resources

AmeriCorps members will assist current homeowners in Salem City with low and affordable resources for home repair loans.

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Two men sitting side by side going over paperwork

Tenants Rights

AmeriCorps Members will conduct tenant meetings, inform them of their rights as Tenants, and provide resources to report issues. AmeriCorps members will organize meetings between legal aid, landlords, tenants, and law enforcement.



February | March | May | June | July

Report Public/Rental Property Issues

Learn About Local Issues

Water & Sewer

Public Housing

Combatting Crime

Learn About Local Government

How Local Government is Organized

How to Reach City Officials

Attending a City Council Meeting